Time off for Good Behavior...
So, Thursday, July 15 was my last day at work, and I have to tell you I have some really mixed feelings. I have never not worked since I got my medical degree in 1993 other than maternity leaves, and those were certainly no vacations! Practicing medicine is such a part of my self identity, that being "unemployed" is throwing me for a bit of a loop. Part of me already misses my patients and my wonderful colleagues with whom I spend so much of my time, and I am glad I was able to see so many of my patients for check ups before I left. Of course, on the other side, I am so excited about the upcoming adventure. To have the opportunity to bond as a family, live abroad, and experience different cultures and philosophies is a gift we couldn't pass up. I'm a little anxious about getting everything done in time, but, hey, I'm used to working under stress! Now if I could just whittle down the "to do" lists. It seems like I keep adding as much as I check off! A major accomplishment this weekend is getting the kids' duffels mostly packed. I'll try to complete mine this week. Poor Evan is on his own. Once we are packed, this trip will seem "really" real. So, Friends, keep your fingers crossed for me, and if this lady of leisure seems to be losing it, just remind me that it's only temporary, and life as I currently know it, work, and reality all return in May, 2011.
Signing off to go sit on the couch and eat bon bons,
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